Be part of the change the world needs.

The great advantage of direct participatory democracy is that every citizen is allowed a say in the matters of state, with their own voice. Since Athenians have been shouting themselves hoarse in the Agora, political philosophers have looked for more efficient, scalable democracies.

Advances in technology, most especially the rise of the Internet and the connected world, have given hope that the scaling problem of democracy can be resolved. In a digital democracy, specific questions would be formulated as referenda, and frequently put forth for public discussion and comment and voting. Citizens could read the arguments, proffer their own, and vote on the matter, using readily-available technologies like internet.

Constructive arguments

Have a space to debate and discuss all public policies. With education and respect for others.

Votes and Priorities

Choose which policies you are for and against and your priority over others.


Certified and authenticated users to participate, with documentation checked.

Learn more about the project

We want to offer the world a platform for constructive debate, encouraging everyone to participate in democracy.

Imagine a place where you can give an idea to solve a problem in society, find like-minded people and improve your idea, receive votes and popular support for the realization of change. This is the purpose of the Digital Democracy project.


Done and Next steps

We are prototyping the platform in our spare time Below are our documents generated so far

  • Project Charter (in production)

  • Process Model (in production)

How to participate?

Did you like the idea of ​​digital democracy? Come help us to improve the world.

With Services

You can help with what you know how to do.

With Ideas

We believe that unity is strength. Send us your ideas to help the project.

With Money

Want to help but don't have time? Help by funding the project.

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